Monday, May 31, 2010


Wildfox Couture Fall 2010: It's Witchcraft from WILDFOX PR on Vimeo.

I was so captured by this short film by Wildfox, showing their fall 2010 collection. The models and the setting are so beautiful, I just wanna step into the video and join them! Tell me what you think and check out their site too, they've got so many pretty t-shirts.

P.S. I'm blogger of the week on Liberty 27! Check out the post here. Thank you so much!
Hugrún also featured me on her blog. Takk :)! Check her out here.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love oh love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you

Last night's outfit. Sorry for the bad picture!
Toppur/top - Zara
Pils/Skirt - Vero Moda
Belti/Belt - Zara
Worn with sheer tights and lace up shoes

Today's outfit.
Toppur/Top - Zara
Harem pants - H&M
Hálsmen/Necklace - DIY
Armbönd/Bracelets - Topshop & Vintage
Worn with Zara gladiator sandals

Keypti þennan topp í Zara í gær. Var búin að máta hann um daginn en ákvað þá að kaupa hann ekki. Ég fattaði svo í gær að ég ætti ekkert til að vera í á Eurovision svo ég stökk inní Kringlu keypti hann, er svo bara geðveikt ánægð með hann!
Í morgun vaknaði ég svo eldsnemma til að fara aftur í Kolaportið að selja. Hafði lítinn tíma til að taka mig til og eftir aðeins 4 tíma svefn voru kósý föt klárlega málið! Ég elska hvernig það er bæði hægt að nota þennan topp fínt og líka bara við svona kósý buxur. Hvað finnst ykkur?
Annars var ótrúlega gaman í Kolaportinu. Seldi helling og græddi fullt! Whoop! Gerði líka rosa góð kaup þarna.. Keypti geðveikt vintage leðurvesti, gallajakka, jakka úr Monki, gollu/kjól úr Monki, heklað vesti, 4 töskur, 1 veski og naglalakk.. Allt á 5000kr! Þetta ætti að svala verslunar þörfinni..svona í bili haha

I bought this top at Zara yesterday. I had already tried it on the last time I was there but decided not to buy it then. Then yesterday I realized I didn't have anything to wear for a Eurovision party I was going to so I went back and bought it, and I must say I love it!
This morning I had to get up really early to go back to the flea market where I've been selling some old stuff this weekend. I didn't have much time to get dressed and after only 4 hours of sleep, I couldn't imagine wearing anything that wasn't extra comfortable. I love how I can wear this top to go out and also with something more casual. What do you think of it?
Anyway, I had so much fun at the flea market. Sold a bunch of clothes and made quite a lot of money! Whoop! I also bought some great items there.. got this amazing vintage leather vest, a jacket from Monki, a dress by Monki (but I'm gonna use it as a cardigan), a crochet vest, 4 bags, 1 wallet and a nail polish.. all this for just 5000kr! This should satisfy my shopping needs.. for now haha

The top right one is actually dark brown, my camera made it look kinda orange :/


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Liberty 27

I just came across this awsome online boutique, Liberty 27. They have some truly amazing stuff, the prices are really reasonable and they ship worldwide! Win!
They have a bunch of really beautiful vintage inspired dresses and I'm loving their shoe collection. They also have some great accessories and bags. I also love their slogan 'Where fashion and freedom collide'. As they say on their website:

'At Liberty 27, Fashion and Freedom Collide! Fashion is a form of freedom. It is a great to express your own personal style and personality through fashion. But real beauty and freedom comes from the inside out!

You should definitely go check them out! Here are a few things I'm craving from their store, anyone want to buy me some of those items? Pretty please?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Topshop A/W '1

I'm so in love with the A/W collection from Topshop! The coats, leather shorts and rucksacks.. makes me all excited about fall, and it's barely even summer yet!
What do you think?

Behind the scenes at Zara

The making of Zara's new look book. I'm loving the rabbits and those sandals!

Have a wonderful day

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Material girl

Jakki/Blazer - Vintage
Toppur/Top - Wearhouse
Harem pants - H&M
Wedges - H&M
Hat - H&M
Gleraugu/Glasses - Gallerý Sautján
Skart/Jewelry - Vintage & DIY

Romper - H&M

Belti/Belti - Zara
Sokkar/Socks - Topshop
Naglalakk/Nailpolish - Depend # 170

Loksins kom sendingin mín úr H&M! Ég alveg hoppaði af gleði þegar eg sá kassann og var ekki lengi að rífa hann upp. Það þarf víst ekki mikið til að gleðja mann hehe
Buxurnar eru án efa þær þægilegustu sem ég hef nokkurn tímann gengið í! Er ekki frá því að mig langi í þær í svörtu líka, má það?
Annars er mér strax farið að hlakka til helgarinnar. Verð með bás í Kolaportinu svo endilega komið og segið hæ! Svo er bara Euro partý á laugardagskvöldið.. Gleði gleði! Hvað er planið hjá ykkur um helgina?

I finally recieved my package from H&M! I was like jumping up and down with joy and ripped it open in a flash. Material things really do make me happy..haha
The harem pants are with out a doubt the most comfortable pants I've ever worn! I kinda want them in black as well.. shopaholic much?
Anyway, I'm already starting to look forward to the weekend. I'm going to the flea market to sell some old stuff, which means I'll be able to buy something new! Win! Then I'm going to a Eurovision party on saturday. Will you be watching it? What are your plans for the weekend?


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I wish..

Today's wishlist! Loving rompers, prints, denim, jumpsuits, rings and hats

Images from Forever21, Asos, H&M

What I NEED right now.. Floral harem pants!
Image from Style with Benefits


Monday, May 24, 2010


Töff fólk úr myndatökunni í dag. Náði LOKSINS að klára götutísku report'ið! Woop woop! Ég eyddi deginum í borginni, kláraði myndatökuna og settist svo niður á Te & Kaffi í Eymundsson, drakk Bora Bora jarðaberja og hindberja te og las tískublöð. Veðrið var aftur alveg geðveikt, 20 stiga hiti já takk! Elska þessa heitu sumar daga.

Some cool cats from today's shoot. FINALLY finished the street style report! Woop woop! I spent the entire day in the city, finished the report and then sat down at a book store café with some Bora Bora strawberry and raspberry tea and magazines. The weather was amazing once again, about 20 degrees! Gotta love those hot summer day's.

Nennti ekki að taka outfit myndir.. hehh, lélegur bloggari! Lofa einhverju djúsí á morgun, stay tuned!

I didn't feel like taking outfit shots today..hehh, lousy blogger! I promise you a good post tomorrow, stay tuned!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fun in the sun

Þetta súper awsome langa blogg sem átti að koma í gær, kemur víst núna. Sorry!
Ég endaði nefnilega með að fara í bæinn í gær að hitta góða vini. Við grilluðum og borðuðum úti í þessu geðveika veðri. Dagurinn í dag fór svo í sólbað og street style myndatökur, í ennþá betra veðri! Ahh LOKSINS er sumarið komið fyrir alvöru! Ég fer svo aftur í bæinn á morgun til að klára myndatökuna, deadline'ið er á morgun! Vona að þetta heppnist og komi vel út.

That super awsome post that I promised you yesterday is finally here. Sorry!
I decided last night to go to the city to meet up with some friends. We had a barbecue and ate outside since the weather was amazing. I spent today tanning and taking some street style pictures and the weather was even more amazing than yesterday! Ahh summer is FINALLY here for real!
Tomorrow I'll go back to the city to finish the street style report, the deadline is tomorrow! I hope it'll turn out ok!

Friday's outfit!
Jakki/Blazer - Vintage

Playsuit - Zara
Sokkar/Socks - Topshop

Wedges - H&M
Taska/Bag - Vintage Louis Vuitton Alma bag

Gleraugu/Glasses - Gallerý Sautján

Armbönd/Bracelets - Vintage

Nokkrar nýjar flíkur og skór hafa bæst við fataskápinn á síðustu dögum. Ég keypti þennan playsuit í Zara og hermanna grænar harem buxur í Vero Moda (liturinn sést ekki nógu vel á myndinni). Svo keypti ég líka tvö pör af skóm. Maður á víst aldrei nóg af skóm!

There have been a few new additions to my closet this week. I bought this playsuit at Zara and army green harem pants at Vero Moda (the colour doesn't show well in the picture). I also bought two new pairs of shoes. You can never have too many shoes!

Ég elska þessa bundnu! Var í þeim í gær og þeir eru ekkert smá þægilegir. Win!
En ég hugsa að þetta sé orðið nógu langt í bili. Tjékkið á nýju street style myndunum inná facebook, linkurinn er hér til vinstri á síðunni!

I love those laced up ones! I wore them last night and they're super comfy. Win!
Well I think this post it getting long enough. Check out the new street style shots on facebook, the link is on the left side of the blog!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

A little update..

Afsakið bloggleysið, var að vinna í gær og svo aftur í dag. En ég kem með super awsome langt blogg í kvöld! Stay tuned! Þangað til, þá er hérna myndband af Dior F/W 2010 línunni, af því mér finnst hún alltof falleg. Karlie Kloss er líka alveg gordjöss þegar hún opnar sýninguna.
Eigið yndislegan dag!

Sorry for the lack of posts, I had work yesterday and today as well. But I'll give you a super awsome long post tonight! So stay tuned! Until then, here's a video of the Dior F/W 2010 collection, because I think it's simply beautiful. And Karlie Kloss looks gorgeous as she opens the show.
Have a wonderful day!


P.S. Are you following me on facebook yet?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

FAA & Kate Moss

Í dag er stór dagur fyrir aðdáendur H&M og Topshop því í morgun komu út nýjar línur frá báðum búðum, Fashion Against AIDS frá H&M og nýja Kate Moss línan frá Topshop.
Ég vaknaði snemma í morgun til að kíkja á H&M síðuna, en eins og manni hafði grunað þá var rosalega margt uppselt strax. Ég ætlaði að kaupa brúna kögur kjólinn og harem buxurnar en bæði var uppselt þegar ég kom inná í morgun :/ Svo ég fékk systur mína sem býr í Danmörku að panta fyrir mig galla stuttbuxurnar og hvíta heklaða toppinn en þegar hún ætlaði að fara að borga þá kom í ljós að buxurnar voru uppseldar! Algjör bömmer! En hún pantaði allavega toppinn svo ég er sátt við það. Vona bara að þetta komi aftur eða allavega e-ð af línunni, eins og það var með Garden collection línuna. Veit einhver til þess og þá hvenær?
Annars var hún loksins að fá sent það sem hún pantaði fyrir mig í H&M fyrr í mánuðinum svo það fer í póst á morgun. Svo ég verð nokkrum flíkum ríkari í næstu viku.. woop woop!

Kate Moss línan er líka gordjöss! Mjög svona gamaldags og rómantísk, full af silki, satín, fjöðrum, blúndum, rúskinni og flauel. Finnst vintage maxi kjólarnir flottastir, myndi sko ekki hata að eiga einn slíkan! Verst hvað Kate Moss línurnar eru alltaf rugl dýrar. Hentar kannski ekki alveg fyrir fátæka námsmenn.. En ég elska Topshop samt alltaf jafn mikið!
En ætlið þið að kaupa e-ð úr annarri hvorri línunni? Látið mig vita hvað þið ætlið að kaupa ykkur eða hvað þið hafið nú þegar keypt!

Today is a big day for H&M and Topshop lover cause this morning both stores launched their new collections, the Fashion Against AIDS collection by H&M and the new Kate Moss collection fro Topshop. I woke up early to check the H&M site but like I suspected a lot of the items were already sold out. I was gonna buy the brown fringe dress and the harem pants but they were both sold out when I got online :/ So I got my sister who lives in Denmark to order for me (we don't have H&M in Iceland) the denim shorts and the white crochet top but when she was at the check out the shorts were sold out! Such a bummer! But we got the top so I'm really happy about that. I'm just hoping that this collection will be back, or at least some of the items like it was with the Garden collection. Does anyone know if it'll be back and when? Anyway, she finally recieved the items she orderd for me from H&M earlier this month and she's gonna send them tomorrow. So I'll finally get my new clothes next week.. woop woop!

The Kate Moss collection is also just gorgeous! It's very vintage and romantic and full of silk, satin, feathers, lace, suede and velvet. I love the vintage maxi dresses, would love to have one of those! Too bad the Kate Moss collections are always so expensive, not really in a poor student's budget.. But I still love Topshop!
Are you going to buy anything from either collection? Let me know what you're planning on getting or what your've already bought!


My FAA collection crochet top, love it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wishful thinking

Mér langar í svooo margt þessa dagana! Ég þyrfti reyndar að vinna í lottó til að geta haft efni á þessu öllu, en maður má láta sig dreyma! En ég mun samt hugsanlega láta e-ð af þessu eftir mér, svona til að svala þörfinni fyrir að versla haha

There are sooo many things I want right now! I'd have to win the lottery to be able to afford it all , but a girl can dream right? But I might however indulge in some of those items, just to satisfy my urge to shop haha

Get ekki ákveðið hvora klossana ég ætti að fá mér! Ég veit að þetta trend er mjög umdeilt.. en ég er elska það! Báðir frá Asos

I can't decide which clogs to get! I know this trend has been really controversial.. but I'm loving it! Both from Asos

Shorts from Asos & Topshop

Lace maxi dress from Topshop

The Fashion Against Aids línan frá H&M, sem kemur í búðir á morgun!! Ég ætla örugglega að reyna að komast yfir e-ð úr þessari línu.

The Fashion Against Aids line by H&M, which will be in stores tomorrow!! I'm probably gonna try to get my hands on something from that line.

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on facebook! Style Party on Facebook